Natural Honey & Sugar Body Scrub

Beauty starts from within but it never hurts to do a little exterior self-care! In this DIY, we've combined the powerful ingredients of our honey and pecans to create a sugar scrub rich in antioxidants. 

A honey and sugar scrub can deliver excellent results for brightening and polish your skin and exfoliate the stubborn dead cells. They have moisturizing properties that prevent the skin from drying and olive oil provides vitamin E to the skin which is essential to maintain healthy skin. Pecan nuts are an excellent source of vitamin-E, vitamin-A, zinc, folate, and phosphorous which play an important role in maintaining good skin. So when paired together, this scrub does amazing things for your skin!


  • 1 tbs Guidry Family Farms Unfiltered Honey
  • 1 tbs sugar
  • 1/2 tbs Guidry Family Farms Pecan Oil


Cleanse your face and apply the natural sugar scrub. Gently massage into your skin for 2-3 minutes. Leave for 20 minutes and then rinse off. Repeat twice a week for glowing skin!


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